Exciting New Programs for 2024-25

After a year full of meaningful volunteer work, social events and educational enrichment, we’re thrilled to introduce new programs for this year:

Monthly Volunteer Program: Earn high school credits and letters of recommendation by participating in activities such as Midnight and Breakfast Runs, visits to the Atria, food pantry service, and organizing a Purim carnival for younger children.

Rosh Chodesh Program: Separate programs for boys and girls in grades 10-12.
A monthly gathering for older teens to engage more deeply in Jewish learning through activities and Jewish text.

Weekly Program for Grades 8-12: Featuring a new curriculum (please see below) as well as social activities – sleepovers, Broadway shows, bowling, movie nights, museum visits, and more.

B. Mitzvah Program:
New curriculum –
Tefillah Lab with Hazan Shamash: Learn to lead synagogue prayer services.
B’nai Mitzvah Project: Plan and execute a mitzvah project that aligns with your interests and Jewish values.
Israel Studies: Dive into Israeli culture and geography.
Holocaust Studies and Jewish History with Rabbi Schweber: Prepare for the Temple Israel Yom Hashoah service.
In-Depth Family Heritage Project: Explore and connect with your family history.
Hebrew Reading Lab
Holiday Reviews and Celebrations
Social Activities: Enjoy time for socializing, dining, and engaging in game room activities.


We look forward to another exciting and meaningful year at Waxman Youth House!

For information, please contact Teen Coordinator, Morel Tomer Ish Yemini at yh@tign.org.