In this portion we move from instructions for the creation of the physical Mishkan to details concerning the officiants. At the outset, Moses is directed to see to it that a light is kept burning in the Mishkan, a task that is to be performed by priests. He is then directed to appoint Aaron and his sons to the priestly office. There follows a detailed description of the vestments of the High Priest and the ordinary priests. Finally, the rituals of installation for the priests are laid out. The Mishkan, as sacred space, is differentiated from profane space by its design. In like manner, its officiants are to be distinguishable from the laity by their attire and insignia of office. In particular, the High Priest is to wear vestments which symbolize his role as representative of the entire community before God. The High Priest, who presided over sacrificial rites, evolved into the prayer leader of today’s synagogue. That individual is still designated as the shaliach tzibur, the representative of the congregation.