We conclude the laws of the sanctuary in this portion. The reading opens with a description of proceedings through which the priests begin their duties. In the midst of this, we find an account of two sons of Aaron, Hadab and Abihu, who take it upon themselves to bring some kind of unprescribed offering to the altar and are summarily struck down. Their death becomes the occasion for God to issue specific warnings to Aaron and all the priests to take special care in carrying out their duties. The remainder of the Book of Leviticus deals with the laws of daily life and provides rules and regulations whose purpose is to raise every aspect of human life to the level of kedusha (holiness). The first matter to be dealt with is kashrut (the dietary laws). Details are provided of permitted and forbidden quadrupeds, fish, birds and insects. The reason given for these prescriptions is that since God is kadosh (holy) and Israelites are His people, they also must be kadosh. However this is understood, kashrut serves to help make the basically animal function of eating, something uniquely human.