Guest Hazzan

Temple Israel is please to announce Hazzan Sheldon Horowitz will be joining us this year to help lead High Holy Day services.

The clergy at Temple Israel is pleased to welcome Dr. Sheldon Horowitz as guest Hazzan for the High Holy Days. A former member of Temple Israel, Hazzan Horowitz has been a Shaliach Tzibbur for more than 40 years, leading services at Town & Village Synagogue (NYC) the JCC of West Hempstead (Shaaray Shalom), Tradition at Morse Life Independent Living (West Palm Beach, FL) and Temple Israel (Vestal, NY) .

A life-long special educator, Hazzan Horowitz has extensive experience teaching children and adults with neurodiverse learning and behavioral profiles in bar and bat mitzvah preparation and in study to enhance their joyful participation in tefillah. He is also a contributing author in an upcoming anthology titled, “A Different Spirit: The Essential Guide to B’nai Mitzvah for Children with Disabilities”