Tish’ah Be’av Services – Saturday evening


July 17, 2021    
8:10 pm

Everyone is invited to dim their lights and join us in person and on TIGN Zoom (check your email or call the office for link) to observe Tish’ah Be’av, commemorating the Destruction of the First Temple (in 586 BCE) and the Second Temple (in 70 CE) in Jerusalem, and the exile of the Jewish People.

This solemn day reflects the greatest tragedies of Jewish history (including the Holocaust), but also serves as a reminder that the Jewish tradition of renewal is alive in Israel and in America.

Fast begins at 8:23 p.m.

Shabbat Minhah from the Sanctuary at 8:10 p.m.

Ma’ariv and the reading of Eikhah (the Book of Lamentations) at 9:00 p.m.