Shoah Remembrance Committee Holocaust Book Club Discussion


May 12, 2025    
8:15 pm

Join the Shoah Remembrance Committee’s Holocaust Book Club for their next book discussion – Night by Elie Wiesel. Commemoration of the 80th anniversary of liberation and end of WWII.

Monday, May 12th
8:15 p.m.
Blue Room and on TIGN Zoom

Our mission is to read Holocaust literature (fiction and nonfiction) to enhance our commemoration and knowledge.

Born in the town of Sighet, Transylvania, Elie Wiesel was a teenager when he and his family were taken from their home in 1944 to Auschwitz concentration camp, and then to Buchenwald. Night is the terrifying record of Elie Wiesel’s memories of the death of his family, the death of his own innocence, and his despair as a deeply observant Jew confronting the absolute evil of man. This new translation by his wife and most frequent translator, Marion Wiesel, corrects important details and presents the most accurate rendering in English of Elie Wiesel’s testimony to what happened in the camps and of his unforgettable message that this horror must simply never be allowed to happen again.

Please RSVP to Carol Smolinsky at and let us know if you’ll be joining us in person or via zoom and if you need help getting a book.