
Temple Israel of Great Neck thrives because our members are involved in our community.  YOU can make a difference in our community by joining a committee.   To get involved, contact the synagogue office or the contacts in the descriptions below.

The Adult Learning Committee benefits from members who love Jewish learning and who have experience in event planning or publicity.  Committee members work closely with the clergy to develop courses and learning programs, and they partner with the office staff to publicize the offerings.  To share ideas about programs and to express interest in the committee, please contact Rabbi Daniel Schweber.

The Bar/Bat Mitzvah Committee is chaired by Rabbi Daniel Schweber.

The Bikur Cholim and Yad B’Yad Committees reach out to our congregants during stressful times in the hospital and at home. We also assist with shiva arrangements such as meals and grocery shopping. These mitzvot help to strengthen our Temple Israel community. If you know of a congregant who needs assistance, please contact Karen Ashkenase at 487-3048 or Brenda Kopelowitz at 482-2787.

The Catering Committee is chaired by Bobby Bakhchi.

The Chesed Connection is the Social Action arm at Temple Israel that coordinates the many events and drives all of which focus on improving the lives of others.  There are many opportunities for congregants to participate in various activities and to even chair one-time or annual events.  Members can visit the ill, recovering and homebound, cook or deliver Shabbat dinners to needy families in Great Neck, collect and deliver food and toiletries to the homeless in New York City, participate in various hunger and clothing drives, and assist members during their times of loss.  Some of our projects involve working collaboratively with several other organizations with the same goal of tikkun olam, repairing the world.  If you are interested in learning more about the Chesed Connection and experiencing the fulfillment of helping others in their times of need, contact Laura Gal.

The Communications Committee consults with lay leaders, rabbis, other committee chairs and the executive director to select and develop the methods of external and internal communications most appropriate for the congregation to use.  These may include print and/or emailed newsletters, e-mailed weekly calendars, news briefs, website, social media,  specially produced content for new members, holidays, etc. The Committee develops and recommends communications policies and procedures for publicizing Synagogue events, establishes an information gathering network to collect information and produce content for synagogue publications and media, and monitors internal and external communications to ensure the synagogue’s image is appropriately preserved.  Finally, we ensure that all communications accurately and completely convey the full scope of synagogue activities.  Contact Miriam Kobliner or Debbie Volk for more information.

The Development Committee is chaired by David Eshaghoff.

The Endowment Committee is chaired by Andrew Bloom.

The Finance and Budget Committee reviews the financial operations of the synagogue and reports to the Board of Trustees. The committee reports the results of financial operations at the annual congregational meeting and presents a proposed budget approved by the Board of Trustees for the upcoming fiscal year for the approval of the Congregation. The committee is involved in the planning and implementation of fund raising events and interacts with the Endowment Committee with regard to budgetary matters.  The Committee benefits from members with varied experience in finance,  bookkeeping, not-for-profit organizations, and synagogue operations.  Committee members are encouraged to offer suggestions for cost-savings, income enhancements and to participate in discussing the issues.  Contact Marc Langsner for more information.

The Green Committee continuously seeks ways to perform Tikkun Olam both inside and outside of Temple Israel, while striving to lessen the carbon footprint of its members.  Whether it is taking part in park beautification projects and clean ups, planting flowers and vegetable gardens or providing reusable grocery bags, the Green Team is always looking for ways to increase its environmental impact.  If you have any ideas or would like to get involved, please contact Morgan Kurpiel.

The mission of the House Committee is to see to it that the buildings and grounds of Temple Israel best enable the spiritual, educational, cultural and social needs and activities of our congregation. We are concerned about safety, cleanliness, comfort and appearance and maximizing the functionality of our facilities.  The committee works closely with the Executive Director and maintenance staff to ensure that the facilities are well managed and meet the needs of our community efficiently and economically.  The committee benefits from members with varied experience in facilities management, engineering, construction, and other fields.  Committee members are encouraged to participate in creating the agenda and discussing the issues.  

The Israel Affairs Committee is made up of the clergy and laypeople with abiding concern for the State of Israel. The Committee organizes the Synagogue’s participation in the Celebrate Israel Parade and helps the Synagogue educate the congregation regarding Israeli politics, arts, literature, music, and sciences.  In addition, the Israel Affairs Committee raises funds for distribution to Israeli causes, such as Masorti. In this capacity, The Israel Affairs Committee is also proud to support the Synagogue’s relationship with our sister congregation in Israel, Kehillat Netzach Israel.  Contact Bobby Bakhchi for more information.

The Religious School Education Committee is chaired by Lauren Juceam and Natali Matalon.

The Membership Committee is responsible for developing strategies to recruit and retain members.  Recruitment efforts include outreach to Jewish families and individuals in the community and beyond who are not yet affiliated with a congregation. Members of the Committee reach out to new member families to help them integrate comfortably within our Temple and to encourage their involvement in synagogue activities, often serving as buddies to meet and share company at various synagogue services and events.  The Committee also assists in maintaining communications with other congregants to reinforce our concern for all synagogue members regardless of tenure or degree of involvement.  For further information, contact Laura Gal.

The Pastoral Committee is a group of dedicated and caring members of the congregation who assists our clergy in caring for member families suffering a recent loss.  Committee members are trained to conduct a Minyan service which they will lead at the homes of congregants.  They make shiva calls, offer assistance and serve as a liaison between the family and the synagogue.  If you are interested in offering your time for this most important service to your fellow synagogue members, please contact Howard Spun.

The Performing and Cultural Arts Committee is chaired by Alise Kreditor.

The Ritual Committee works in collaboration with the Rabbis and Cantor with respect to the form and content of all religious services and rituals.  The Committee procures and maintains prayer books and religious articles, arranges for ushers as may be needed, and proposes the guidelines for life cycle events at Temple Israel.  

The Security Committee seeks to provide a safe, secure and welcoming environment for all those who visit Temple Israel of Great Neck.  The Committee reviews and evaluates policies and practices as well as the use of personnel and equipment that are deployed for the purpose of maintaining the safety of people and property within our facilities.  Working with the Executive Director, Director of Security and various staff members, committee members may serve as synagogue representatives at security seminars conducted by law enforcement agencies and liaisons to local police authorities.  For more information, please contact Susan Brustein.

The Shoah Remembrance Committee is committed to remembering the Shoah and those who perished, honoring Temple survivors and fostering the education of all generations of our congregation on the history and lessons of the Shoah.  Comprised of Temple survivors and other Temple members who are passionate about upholding this mission, the Committee  collaborates on an annual educational Kristallnacht program, organizes an annual meaningful Yom Hashoah service and capitalizes on Shoah-related programs throughout the year.  For further information, please contact Rob Panzer or Dave Albert.

The Strategic Planning Committee is chaired by Larry Greengrass and Lynn Weitzman.

The Technology Committee oversees the implementation of technology solutions in support of the administration of the synagogue and its programs.  Considerations regarding the selection and implementation of technology solutions are made with respect to gaining operational efficiency, management of administrative costs including technology support expenses, and pragmatic enablement of key initiatives.  Areas in which the committee is involved include the local area network, website, telecommunications, audio-visual, security, and others as required.  The Temple membership and professional staff are encouraged to present recommendations to the Technology Committee for review and action.  Contact Brent Greenspan for more information.

The Waxman Memorial Lecture Committee is chaired by Marc Katz.

The Youth House Committee is chaired by Rachel Geula.