Sisterhood is continuing their Mishloach Manot Project 2025!
They will be mailing the gift boxes to friends and family in Great Neck and anywhere in the USA.
They will receive a delicious Purim assortment of goodies including hamentashen and a lovely note from the sender will be included.
Cost: $36/gift box
(All proceeds from the sale of the gift boxes, bags, and cards will go to the Friends of Israel Defensive Force and Yad B’Yad)
Gift bags will still be available for $18/each but must be picked up at the Temple.
If you would like to order Mishloach Manot, please send a list with the names and addresses (including zip code and apartment numbers) and include a check for $36 for each box. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE ORDER FORM.
Mail the list & check payable to Sisterhood of Temple Israel to:
Iris Adler, 108 Old Mill Road, Great Neck, NY 11023 or call (516) 482-7800.
Orders MUST be received by Wednesday, February 26th, 2025 (to allow time for shopping and mailing).
As always cards will still be available at $5/each.
Please contact Pearl Hymes to order cards by calling (516) 482-7800.
Check made out to Sisterhood of Temple Israel can be mailed to:
Pearl Hymes, 108 Old Mill Road, Great Neck, NY 11023.
Orders must be received by Friday, March 7th.
We will be packing the gift boxes on Tuesday, March 4th from 9:00 AM to about Noon.
If you are able to help at all, please come for as long as you can.